Sunday, December 14, 2014

                                                    What is COPPA?
           COPPA simply means Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. It is the law passed by congress to protect children’s privacy that is under 13 years of age. The Act was effective on April 2000, and it states the law and policy website operator must have in their privacy policy and must seek parent or guardian's consent before collecting or use any personal information of any child below age of 13 years. 
            The Act also states that; Site require parental consent for using any personal information of children web site user and how they will seek verifiable from their parent, what must be included in the policy. The responsibility the operator of a web site must legally hold to protect children’s privacy and their safety online.
             Social  network online has been making money online selling  their users information to their marketer, This law has help preventing them from selling children’s information that are under 13 years to their marketing partners.
           Federal Trade Commission with the authority to issue and enforce COPPA fines some companies in 2006 for violating the policy and regulation of COPPA. Xanga was fined one million us dollar for allowing children under 13 to make use of their website without parent consent, UMG recordings was fine four hundred thousand us dollar for promoting 13 year old pop singer, and many more.
            I think this is the law every parent (even the children) should keep in mind and respect at all-time. With the increase rate of how people fall victim of using social media this day, the age limit should increase to something like 16 years and there should be more awareness program on Tv, internet, and newspaper about the policy.

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