Sunday, November 23, 2014

          Assignment 6 TED Talk
                      The leaders who ruined Africa and the generation who can fix it
          I watched the video of Fred Swaniker (who is from Africa) talking about the leaders who ruined  Africa countries and he thinks some generation to come can fix it. He made mention of how he moved from one Africa country (Ghana, Gambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe ) to the others at the age of 4 to 8 year to escape from coup de eta turbulence. I picked this video because I love Africa and I wish the corruption of our leaders can come to an end one day.
          He also made mention of three generations in his talk: generation one, are the leaders that struggled and brought independence and free Africans colonialism, which is in late 50.s and 60’s. The Second generations are the ones that brought havoc to Africa; like warfare, corruption, human right abuses, stealing of highest order, and anything that can ruin and destroy a country. The third one are the leaders like Nelson Mandela and Paul Kagame, who cleaned up the havoc made by the second generations. These generations are also known as stabilizer generation, they improve macroeconomic policies and it is in their generation that Africa became the second fastest growing economic region in the world. The fourth generations are the ones to come. These are the generations that will transform the continent, create prosperity (to tackle issue of poverty) and creates Institution.
         This is an interesting Talk. I was engaged throughout the entire presentation.  Many of his suggestion to fix Africa are reasonable. Whatever they are teaching in the university as he mentioned may only create Job and expand Africa, but I don’t think it can eradicate corruption but could submerge it. Corruption is the giant destroyer of Africa. If African leader can be dead to corruption and greediness, I believe African country would have gone beyond where they are today.Even the youth are participating seriously in corruption and these are the leaders of tomorrow. Also I wish he uses Africa as whole instead of concentrating on some part of Africa countries. 

              There are several humor used in his presentation. Like calling the man that uses bat poop to start his fertilizer business "The Batman". The pictures of the past leaders he showed in his presentation help the viewers to understand more of what he was talking about. And it was very effective. There was no question asked throughout the presentation.


  1. Good analysis. Seems like the presenter took a more historical approach to bring in a lot of context. Which I think is very important. Anyone attempting to understand how to proceed and progress needs to have a thorough understanding of the past and what did not work so that it can be avoided in the future.
